Mental Health &
Social Workers

This Mandated Reporter Training for Mental Health & Social Workers focuses on the specific issues, concerns and requirements of Pre- and Post-Licensed mental health professionals, counselors and social workers. 

Followed by the General Training module, the Mental Health & Social Workers module is a 1.5 hour course that includes seven lessons and concludes with challenge questions/scenarios.

At the conclusion of the training you will take a final exam which will test the information that you have learned during the training. It consists of 20 questions and requires an 80% or higher to be completed. You may take this exam as many times as needed.

You Will Learn

  • What to do if you discover evidence of child abuse or neglect
  • How to talk to children about suspected abuse
  • The history of child abuse awareness and reporting
  • Special issues related to child abuse reporting in the work environment
  • How to talk about these sensitive topics 
  • How to handle particular situations that might arise

The Mental Health & Social Workers training may take you up to 4 hours to complete. 

Please Note

In order to maintain compliance with California State laws for mandated reporters, the general training course is a required prerequisite for all of the profession-specific trainings. You will see the general training course required in all profession-specific trainings.

Altogether, the general training and the profession-specific trainings meet the training requirements of the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), Education Code for school personnel, and Health and Safety Code for licensed child care providers.

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General Training

The general training module should be taken by those who volunteer with children as well as a precursor training for other mandated reporters.

 2 Hours
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Mental Health & Social Worker

The Social Worker & Mental Health Professionals training is designed for Pre- and Post-Licensed Mental Health Professionals.

 1.5 Hours
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At the conclusion of the training you will take a final exam, which will test the information that you have learned during the training.

 0 - 1 Hour
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Upon scoring an 80% or higher you will be issued a certificate, which will serve as proof of your completion of this training.

What people are saying.

As a working mom with a 4-year old, I appreciated how simple and easy-to-use this training was. It made it very easy for me to get the certification I needed and helped me understand a very valuable subject matter. 

Lori Pinion, School Director, Auburn

Stop the Abuse.

If you suspect that a child is in
danger of abuse or neglect,
report it.

Take Action.

Discover ways you can be active
in the fight to end child abuse.

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Find profession-specific training courses and get certified at Mandated Reporter Training. Start training now.

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Find profession-specific training courses and get certified at Mandated Reporter Training. Start training now.